

Roman bridge-mysterious gem on the river Bosnia (VIDEO)

02.09.2024 at 13:00

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This bridge was first mentioned in the 16th century, around 1550, and by Katerin Zeno, a Venetian MP. The famous travel writer Benedikt Kuripešić traveled to these parts in 1530, however he does not mention the Roman Bridge, and is therefore assumed to have been built between 1530. and 1550.

Although it is not known for sure who built it, it is assumed to have been called Roman because it was built on the foundations of an old Roman bridge and some claim that stone blocks of the remains of the Roman settlement Aqua Sulfuare were built into it. Just like the famous bh. the writer Izet Perviz said-bridge over which no Roman had ever crossed.

Today, this place is a beautiful picnic area and a place to rest in the beautiful countryside. If you are in Sarajevo or nearby, be sure to visit this place and enjoy the beauty it has to offer. It is located on the right side of the main road leading from Ilidza to Blažuj.

Whoever built this monument has given future generations a wonderful reminder of times past.

rimski most priroda ilidza plandiste

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