

Summer fun for everybody in the heart of Sarajevo

21.06.2019 at 10:25

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On the first day of the summer, the "Summer in the park - Hastahana" begins, which has been happening for the second year in Hastahana Park - prof. dr. Nijaz Durakovic at the Marijin Dvor in Sarajevo. It is planned that this event, that is designed to offer various interesting content for all generations over three months, lasts until the last day of summer, September 23.

This year's edition of "Summer in the park - Hastahana" will start working on Friday 21st of June  in Carlsberg Beer Gardens, a covered beer hall where musicians will play a repertoire of light, domestic and foreign pop, rock, blues and jazz music, while during the day a number of other entertainment programs will be organized in the area.

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