

BH Telecom to be main sponsor of SFF in next three years

18.07.2019 at 12:15

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This year, BH Telecom will again become the main sponsor of the jubilee 25th Sarajevo Film Festival.

In the first years, when the Sarajevo Film Festival was an idea of enthusiasts who believed that they could make changes to the cinematic scene of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the JP PTT of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as the then main sponsor of the Festival, was among those who supported it.

The co-operation lasted several years with intermittent interruptions, and the Sarajevo Film Festival is today one of the most important European film festivals and the favorite destination of many celebrities.

At the jubilee 25th anniversary of the Festival, cooperation was re-established and announced at today's press conference.

BH Telecom will once again be the main sponsor of the Sarajevo Film Festival and will continue to do so in the next three years.

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