

City of Vienna Office in Sarajevo hosts a reception for media representatives

01.02.2019 at 11:54

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The Eurocomm-PR Agency, the Office of the City of Vienna in Sarajevo, hosted a reception this evening at the Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo, where they greeted the representatives of the media with whom they communicate on a regular basis transferring the information about the events taking place in Vienna.

“This is our New Year's reception. We wanted to thank our partners from the media,” said Tijana Purgić, Head of the City of Vienna Office in Sarajevo.

She pointed out that they owe a special gratitude to the media for their cooperation in connection with the Days of the City of Vienna in Sarajevo.

She emphasized that the conference on "Smart Cities" was the most important project in the past year, and that it has laid the foundations for future cooperation between Sarajevo and Vienna, as well as all other cities in the region.

“It was the beginning of a story about what Sarajevo and Vienna are going to do together. These are small things that mean a lot for the citizens' future,” said Purgić.

Purgić announced that, in 2019, they plan to organize conferences dedicated to topics such as digitization, from the aspect what this process can offer the citizens and how important it is for urban living.

The reception was attended by numerous representatives and individuals from professional and public life in Sarajevo.

Representatives of the Eurocomm-PR Agency thanked the representatives of the BiH media. They emphasized that the cooperation has been excellent and that, thanks to this, all the positive stories from Vienna reach the public in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


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