

Delegation of EYOF 2019 takes over 'Peace Torch' (VIDEO)

01.02.2019 at 11:53

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Delegation of the European Youth Olympic Festival EYOF 2019, led by mayors of Sarajevo and Istočno Sarajevo, took over the "Peace Torch" from the European Olympic Committee in Rome yesterday.

Mayors also received the Olive Branch, a symbol of peace and unity.

This is the first time in history of EYOF that the torch is taken over by two cities from one state.

"This is an unforgettable moment for the entire team and me personally, but also for all people in Bosnia and Herzegovina," said Director of EYOF 2019 Senahid Godinjak.

Welcome ceremony of "Peace Flame" will be organized in building of the Government of Republika Srpska in Banja Luka on Saturday, and then at the Sarajevo International Airport.

"This is another in series of events which is very important for Sarajevo and Istočno Sarajevo. Firstly, we want to thank our hosts – the European Olympic Committee (EOC)," said Mayor of Istočno Sarajevo Nenad Vuković. 

President of EOC Coordination Commission Jozef Liba has been supporting the team organizing EYOF 2019 since the beginning of preparations.

"This is an unforgettable moment for all of us, both EOC and cities of Sarajevo and Istočno Sarajevo. I am sure this is a day to remember for the entire BiH, because the Olympic flame is coming back to this state, which hosted the Olympics in 1984," said Liba.

Mayor Abdulah Skaka stated he was very honored to take part in this historic moment for BiH.

"I am happy and proud to be the Mayor of the City of Sarajevo, where the Olympic flame will burn again on February 10th. I believe we will have many joint projects in the upcoming period," underlined Skaka. 

Olympic flame will be in the City of Sarajevo by the opening ceremony, after which it will be a part of the exhibition of the Olympic Museum, EYOF stated.



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