

(VIDEO) Sarajevo: A Pride to be proud of

11.09.2019 at 15:18

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The first-ever Pride March of the LGBTIQ community in Bosnia and Herzegovina was held in Sarajevo under the slogan "Ima izać'" (Come Out!)

The historical Pride March was held without any incidents as the participants walked from the starting point in the heart of the city, the Eternal Flame Memorial, to the Square of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Marijindvor, finishing the march in front of the State Parliament which houses several of the most important state institutions.

On behalf of the organizing committee of the event, the participants were addressed by Branko Ćulibrk and Lejla Huremović, while musician Damir Imamović performed at the closing of the event.

The organizers held the speeches in which they stressed that the members of the LBGTIQ community, as people with different sexual orientation and gender identity, are discriminated against in society, and Ćulibrk and Huremović urged for the guaranteed freedom of expression, the need for vulnerable groups to get out of isolation and 'invisibility' - at their workplace, in schools, universities, and with their own families, to have the right to freedom of expression and assembly.

They emphasized that advocacy of full respect for human rights and identities of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) persons is oriented towards eliminating prejudices and stereotypes and aims towards institutional and systemic protection of the rights of all these persons.

They also assessed that there is no overt institutional support for respect for the human rights of LGBTIQ persons, therefore the society incites homophobia and allows violence against them.

At the same time, they argued that because of their sexual orientation, they have been stigmatized and exposed to violence, and reminded that Bosnia and Herzegovina still has not adopted any legislation regulating same-sex partnership.


Pride March was also joined by the US Ambassador to BiH Eric Nelson, British Ambassador Matthew Field, some local representatives on the political scene, members of the academia, and the international community, and other members of society, among others.

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