57.400 tourists in FBiH in December, mostly from the region
29.01.2019 at 10:10
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In December 2018 total number of tourist arrivals was 57.412 what is 12,2% more than December 2017 and 2,0% less than November 2018. Share of domestic tourist arrivals was 37,5% and foreign tourist's share was 62,5%.
In December 2018 total number of tourist nights spent was 100.798 what is 14,3% more than December 2017 and 1,4% less than November 2018. Share of domestic tourist arrivals was 31,6% and foreign tourist's share was 68,4%.
According to the type of accommodation facility the highest number of nights spent was realised in Hotels and similar accommodation with share of 90,9%.
Concerning the structure of foreign tourist nights, the most of them (47,3%) were realised by tourists from Croatia (25,4%), United Arab Emirates (6,2%), Serbia (5,7%), Slovenia (5,3%) and Turkey (4,7%).Tourists from other countries realized 52,7% of tourist nights spent.
Number of permanent bed places was 27.597 in December 2018 what is 0,5% more than in December 2017. Net occupancy rate of bed places for Hotels and similar accommodation was 13,0%, FBiH Institute for Statistics stated.
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