

RCC awards 548.000 euros of grants for 12 tourist projects (VIDEO)

09.11.2018 at 11:11

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The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC)’s EU-funded Tourism Development and Promotion Project has awarded the first twelve, out of 30 + grants in total value of EUR 548,000, in Sarajevo today.

Secretary General of RCC Goran Svilanović said that this project not only supports tourism, but that potential of all neighbor economies is used through development of tourism as a regional economic branch.

"We insist that these tourist projects contribute to greater employment and that is the essence of what we are doing," emphasized Svilanović.

Ceremony was also attended by Genoveva Ruiz Calavera, Director for the Western Balkans at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, who said she is very happy this project will create new opportunities for youth employment in the region.

"I am also pleased this is an example of the EU commitment, which will be noticed by people in local communities," added Ruiz Calavera.

Seven out of twelve grants being awarded in the first cycle will be used to develop and promote new regional cultural routes and products including Roman archaeological sites, WWII monuments, fortifications, and cultural heritage of capital cities.

The other five will contribute to further development and promotion of the existing adventure tourism routes (Via Dinarica) and development of new products including a regional horseback riding trail.

The project, worth EUR 5 million, works to consolidate and diversify cultural and adventure tourism offer in the six Western Balkans economies, develop joint regional tourism routes and products, improve infrastructure and quality of services along selected routes, and globally promote joint regional offer. The total value of the grants scheme implemented under the project which includes 30+ grants is EUR 1.62 million.


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