EYOF 2019 officially opened with lighting of Olympic flame at Koševo Stadium
11.02.2019 at 09:57
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The 14th European Youth Olympic Festival (EYOF), the biggest sporting event in Bosnia and Herzegovina since the 14th Winter Olympic Games in 1984, opened this evening at the Koševo Stadium in Sarajevo with a ceremonial parade of the participating countries and igniting of the Olympic flame.
The opening ceremony at the biggest stadium in BiH was attended by 25,000 spectators, including numerous officials, guests from the countries of the region, former Olympic athletes who had the opportunity to see the Olympic flame returning to Sarajevo after 35 years.
The honor of lighting the Olympic flame went to BiH sportswoman and holder of numerous trophies, judoist Larisa Cerić, who received the Peace Torch after it was passed from hand to hand by the many prominent former and present BiH athletes.
The opening ceremony was attended by the BiH Presidency Chairman Milorad Dodik and members of the Presidency, Željko Komšić and Šefik Džaferović.
Dodik addressed the participants and together with the President of the European Olympic Committee, Janez Kocijančič, and mayors of Sarajevo and East Sarajevo, Abdulah Skaka and Nenad Vuković, they officially opened EYOF 2019.
The event began with the performance of three cultural and folklore societies, representatives of the three constituent peoples of BiH. The honorable unit of the Armed Forces of BiH carried in the flag of BiH, followed by performing the anthem of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The opening ceremony was attended by BiH Presidency Chairman Milorad Dodik and members of the Presidency, Željko Komšić and Šefik Džaferović.
The parade of the 46 EYOF participating countries followed and the first Olympic athletes that entered the stadium was the delegation from Greece. BiH competitors, 21 young athletes, came out last and they will compete in five different sports.
The closing ceremony of the EYOF will be held on February 16 at Slavija Stadium in East Sarajevo.
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