

Conference on empowering cultural tourism in BiH held in Sarajevo

19.10.2018 at 10:15

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 "Cultural diversity - the common heritage of humanity" is the title of the international conference that is being held today in Sarajevo, with the official launch of the network "Strengthening capacities for changes in tourism in the Western Balkans: building competencies for quality heritage management and cultural tourism - CulturWB ".

The European Union declared 2018 the European Year of Heritage, and the aim is, as the Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to BiH Khaldoun Sinno said, promotion and discovery of different forms of common heritage and the emphasis on these important characteristics that create the identity of a society.

“This is the year of European Cultural Heritage, and BiH is part of this community, a part of European identity, which is common but diverse. We are trying to emphasize the fact that we are all part of one European family in all its diversity,” Sinno said in a statement for the press.

The conference, as he explained, gathered in one place all cultural and tourism stakeholders from BiH, Serbia, Montenegro and Greece to exchange ideas, positive experiences and develop a network of cooperation - CulturWB.

Strengthening infrastructure in the field of cultural tourism is one of the priorities of the BiH Ministry of Civil Affairs, and the secretary of that ministry Biljana Čamur-Veselinović pointed to the example of good practice in BiH - the town of Konjic, which, together with Sarajevo, Bihać, Mostar and Višegrad, tourism is developing rapidly.

In order to talk about cultural tourism, Bosnia and Herzegovina needs funds, said Čamur-Veselinović, recalling that our country has already joined the EU programs (Creative Europe, Erasmus) within which it is possible to apply with projects aimed at empowering cultural tourism in BiH.

“BiH is withdrawing significant money from these funds. The compensation costs 205,000 euros and we withdraw two times more funds in BiH than we pay ion the form of an entry card,” she said.

Gian Andrea Garancini from the city administration of Heraklion (Greece) believes that culture plays a major role in tourism, but that there is room for improvement in this segment, because in Greece, tourism is the largest industrial branch, which is responsible for about 50 percent of its economic growth.

Today's conference aimed to contribute to the entrepreneurship of cultural and creative sectors and encourage the development of creative incubators to allow access to financing and creation of a suitable business environment.

The organizers of the conference are the EU Info Center and the organization “Sarajevo, Convergence of Cultures”, with the support of the European Union, the Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH, the FBiH Ministry of Culture and Sports and the consortium Erasmus + and CulturWB.


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